Caldwell House, Uplawmoor

Caldwell House, Uplawmoor

Newspaper Advert Date: 30th September 2020
Public Event Date: 8th October 2020
Public Event Time: 4pm – 8pm
Project Location: Glennifer Road, Uplawmoor (Site Location Plan)
Client: Caldwell Developments Ltd.

Caldwell Developments Logo

Caldwell Developments Ltd. are bringing forward a proposal for a site at Caldwell House, near Uplawmoor. The site is located to the southwest of Uplawmoor, east of the B775 Glennifer Road.

On 1st of June 2020, Caldwell Developments Ltd. submitted a Proposal of Application Notice (PAN) to East Renfrewshire Council for the development of land at Caldwell House, Uplawmoor.

The proposal is for the restoration and conversion of Caldwell House and Former Keeper’s House with enabling new build development. This will form an over 55s residential development comprising both independent and assisted living houses and flats, as well as a care home. Ancillary facilities will potentially include reception and offices, meeting room, cafe and kitchen, shop, gym and hair and beauty salon.

Welcome to the 2nd Online Consultation for the proposal at Caldwell House, Uplawmoor.

The team will be on hand to answer any questions you have via the Live Chat link below, between 4pm and 8pm on Thursday 8th October 2020.

Your comments about the proposal will then be collated in a topic based Issues Log. This Issues Log will identify matters to be considered as part of the emerging proposal.

Any feedback received will not be attributable to any specific individual.

Thank you for your participation in this online consultation.

The presentation will be available on Thursday 8th October

View the Presentation
The Presentation will be available to download from the link above on the day of the consultation. It will remain available for 21 days after the event has ended.

Start a Live Chat With Our Team

The Live Chat has now ended

You can still email questions to for a period of 10 days after the public event.

Complete the Questionnaire

Alternatively, you can download a PDF version to complete and return to us.

Download the questionnaire

If you downloaded the Feedback Questionnaire you should complete as many or few questions as you wish then email it to Alternatively this can also posted to Geddes Consulting at the address on the Feedback Questionnaire.

This Feedback Questionnaire should be completed and returned no later than 21 days after the public event.