Caldwell House – Consultation Feedback Questionnaire

Caldwell House – Consultation Feedback Questionnaire

We welcome your feedback on the Presentation and its content. Please use the Feedback Questionnaire below to submit your comments no later than 21 days after the public event.

If you would prefer, you can download a pdf version of this feedback form here.

The feedback we receive will not be attributed to any individual person.

This public event only presents information about the reasons to restore Caldwell House; Keeper’s House; and the surrounding estate. It explains the concept of a retirement village and clarifies how it will impact on local services in neighbouring communities.

It highlights why and how the enabling development funds the restoration costs which are greater than the income from the sale of the restored buildings. It lists the surveys and analysis which is ongoing to finalise the proposal and identifies the possible areas for development in terms of their sensitivity and sequence of development.

The Conservation Plan for Caldwell House and the Masterplan Report was available to review along with the detailed design proposals for the various buildings to be built.

Please note that answers will not be saved until you hit the send button at the bottom of the page. If you leave this page, answers will be lost.

All online consultation will comply with current Data Protection obligations. Any personal data and feedback received will be held in confidence and not distributed to third parties. In addition, any feedback provided via the Live Chat or Feedback Form will be dealt with anonymously unless otherwise specified. Further details of our Privacy Policy can be accessed here.

    All answers are optional.

    1. How useful have you found this Public Consultation Event in understanding what is proposed on the site?

    2. As set out in the Conservation Plan, Caldwell House is an important building with cultural heritage significance. To conserve Caldwell House and the Keeper's House, enabling development is required. Do you consider conserving Caldwell House is in the public interest and that the re-use of these buildings as proposed is an appropriate permanent use?

    3. Did you find the detailed information explaining the concept of Caldwell Village as presented in the Masterplan Report helpful?

    4. What do you think of the proposals for a retirement village as presented? Is there anything you would change or add?

    5. Caldwell House is located within its own landscape setting. Do you think the landscaping proposals and the woodland management strategy as presented are appropriate to restore the estate?

    6. The Council supports the principle of enabling development to fund the conservation of Listed Buildings and the surrounding estate. Do you agree with this means of funding the conservation?

    7. What do you think of the proposals for the upgraded access and new infrastructure for the site as presented? What other matters do you consider need to be examined and addressed?

    8. An Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is currently being undertaken to inform the proposal. This will include assessing impacts on the landscape, woodland, ecology, cultural heritage, traffic, flooding and construction. What other matters do you consider need to be examined and addressed?

    9. Do you welcome the establishment of a new retirement village at Caldwell? Do you think Caldwell Village will provide benefits for the surrounding services and amenities in Lugton, Uplawmoor, Nielston and Barrhead? If so, why?

    10. Please outline what you like or dislike about the emerging proposal. Do you have any other comments; requests for further information, or suggestions you would like to make?




    Further Information:

    Once you are happy with your comments, please click the Send button below.