Dovecot Farm, Haddington

We secured Planning Permission in Principle for 113 homes on this site at appeal, contrary to the approved development plan. A subsequent further phase of 80 homes was then approved by the Council, again contrary to the approved development plan.

A key issue in delivering both phases was the need for all members of the project team were required to demonstrate compliance with requirements set out in planning policies and supplementary guidance.

All technical work was reviewed by Geddes to ensure that a fully co-ordinated submission was made to the Council. Demonstrating that the Council was not maintaining a five year effective housing land supply at all times and sustainability credentials of the location and the proposal were important considerations.

  • Geddes managed and co-ordinated the application and appeal process
  • An evidenced based submission demonstrated compliance with planning policies
  • The Council could not undermine the evidence submitted
Phase 1 Masterplan and Phase 2 Indicative Development Framework
The site is located on the southwest edge of Haddington
Recently completed new homes
New homes marking the southwest approach to Haddington

Consortium working – Barrhead South SDO

Geddes was jointly appointed by a consortium comprising Miller Homes; Wallace Land Investments; Avant Homes and the Council to prepare an indicative masterplan for a Strategic Development Opportunity (SDO). This allocated site can accommodate over 1,000 homes including a new railway station funded under City Deal.

This indicative masterplan was guided by a set of site wide surveys and assessments which identified development constraints and necessary mitigation measures. The process also clarified a consistent set of planning obligations for the entire SDO site.

This work was then drafted into supplementary guidance to assist in the delivery of an integrated proposal and approved by the Council.

The approach adopted received a Scottish Awards for Quality in Planning in 2015 in the Delivering in Partnership category.

  • Geddes managed this partnership approach over a five year period
  • Planning applications were lodged for Planning Permission with planning obligations known in advance
  • Approach allowed common infrastructure constraints to be resolved collectively rather than individually
Barrhead South SDO Masterplan
The site lies adjacent to the southern edge of Barrhead
View of the site, looking towards Barrhead
Receiving the Delivering in Partnership award at the Scottish Awards for Quality in Planning 2015

Working with Landowners – Claish Farm

We have worked with the landowners of this 250 acre farm over a six year period. An important consideration in securing future development on the farm is that development needed to be delivered in a way that respected the ongoing farming and business interests of the owners.

We promoted part of the farm (over 60 acres) to the Local Development Plan in the Loch Lomond & Trossachs National Park. Our case and approach successfully secured the allocation of the largest mixed use development site in the National Park.

We have identified and secured potential house builders to develop parts of the allocated site, including the sale of a site for 50 homes, unconditionally and without planning consent.

We continue to seek development opportunities to develop the remainder of the site.

  • Long term commitment to deliver income to the land owner in a slow market
  • Introduce development opportunity to existing network of contacts
  • Provide continuity of expertise to incoming developers as well as landowners
The site sits within the landscape context of the Trossachs

Environmental Impact Assessment

We undertake environmental impact assessments from requesting a Screening Opinion to project managing the multi-disciplinary project team appointed to assess the impacts.

All work is produced to a standard template, allowing the completed Environmental Assessment to read as a single document.

We review all technical work produced to ensure that the mitigation required can be delivered post planning approval. This review process also ensures that the impact assessments accord with an evolving proposal and that the proposal also has incorporated all mitigation measures.

Projects assessed include large scale urban expansions, windfarms and smaller developments in sensitive locations.

  • Fully co-ordinated Environmental Assessment delivered
  • Our process ensures all mitigation measures can be delivered
  • Mitigation measures are the evidence adopted to justify compliance with planning policy
Assessing the landscape and visual impact before and after planting has established
Our EIAs provide a complete assessment package
A number of assessments are prepared for the site
Assessing the site and its context at Halbeath