St. Margarets, Roslin

Geddes coordinated the planning submission for a proposed new village community in Midlothian, known as St. Margarets. The proposal secures the restoration and conversion of the Listed former Rosslynlee Hospital, with complementary new build development providing essential financial support.

Geddes produced the masterplan for the new village community, which totals around 380 homes. We coordinated a large and complex project team to deliver a robust and comprehensive planning submission.

Consent for the first phase of development was secured in early 2018. Three further applications for the remainder of the St. Margarets proposal were approved in early 2019, subject to conditions and a legal agreement.

More information about the project can be found at

  • Geddes successfully project managed a large and complex submission to the Council, comprising five applications including around 30 supporting statements by over 12 different consultancies
  • We produced a high quality masterplan proposal that accords with all relevant policy requirements on sustainable placemaking and design
  • Geddes undertook assessments on landscape and visual impacts, and impact on the setting of the Listed Buildings, to demonstrate an acceptable proposal
Illustrative Masterplan
The site includes the former Rosslynlee Hospital
New build homes form complementary development
The restoration of the former hospital forms the core of the proposal
Comprehensive landscaping to the former hospital grounds creates a pleasant setting to the proposal