Corton, South East Ayr, Consultation Questionnaire

Corton- Consultation Feedback Questionnaire

We welcome your feedback on the Presentation and its content. Please use the Feedback Questionnaire below to submit your comments until 14th February 2023.

If you would prefer, you can download a pdf version of this feedback form here.

The feedback we receive will not be attributed to any individual person.

This public event only presents information about the proposed development at Corton, South East Ayr.

It lists the surveys and analysis which is ongoing to finalise the proposal.

Please note that answers will not be saved until you hit the send button at the bottom of the page. If you leave this page, answers will be lost.

    All answers are optional.

    1. How useful have you found this Online Public Consultation Event?

    2. The proposals as presented may have an impact on the surrounding area. What impacts do you consider need to be examined and addressed?

    3. What do you think about the further developed proposal as presented? What changes, if any, would you recommend?

    4. Please outline what you consider to be the main strengths / advantages and weaknesses / disadvantages of the proposed development?

    5. Do you have any other comments or suggestions?

    Once you are happy with your comments, please click the Send button below.