Burnhouse Farm, Dechmont
Newspaper Advert Date: 9th December 2021
Public Event Date: 16th December 2021
Public Event Time: 4pm – 8pm
Project Location: Dechmont (Site Location)
Client: Springfield Properties

Springfield Properties are bringing forward a proposal for a site at Burnhouse Farm, Dechmont. The site is located on the northern edge of Dechmont in West Lothian .
On 12th November 2021, Springfield Properties submitted a Proposal of Application Notice (PAN) to West Lothian Council for the development of land at Burnhouse Farm, Dechmont.
The proposal is for residential development along with associated landscaping, infrastructure and engineering works.
Welcome to this Online Consultation for the proposal at Burnhouse Farm, Dechmont.
The team will be on hand to answer any questions you have via the Live Chat link below, between 4pm and 8pm on Thursday 16th December 2021.
Your comments about the proposal will then be collated in a topic based Issues Log. This Issues Log will identify matters to be considered as part of the emerging proposal.
Any feedback received will not be attributable to any specific individual.
Thank you for your participation in this online consultation.
If you are unable to access the Presentation, please contact Geddes Consulting at geddes_burnhousefarm@outlook.com.
Please select the link above to download and review the Presentation. This is available for at least 28 days from the date of the newspaper advert.
The Live Chat has ended
The Live Chat is only available on Thursday 16th December 2021, between 4pm and 8pm.
We will aim to answer your questions as quickly as possible but please be aware that replies may take longer during busy periods.
If we have been unable to answer all your questions during the Live Chat, you can still email questions to geddes_burnhousefarm@outlook.com until 21st January 2022.
The feedback period for this consultation has ended
We welcome your feedback on the Presentation and its content. Please use the Feedback Questionnaire to submit your comments until 21st January 2022. You can either complete the questionnaire online or download a PDF to print out.
If you downloaded the Feedback Questionnaire you should complete as many or few questions as you wish then email it to geddes_burnhousefarm@outlook.com. Alternatively this can also be posted to Geddes Consulting at the address on the Feedback Questionnaire.
This Feedback Questionnaire should be completed and returned no later than 21st January 2022.